Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Eating Strategy to Gain Weight

dietary, enhance, gain, health, immune system, improve, muscle, nutritional, supplement, weightFor an underweight person gaining an extra pound is not an easy task. To gain just one pound you need to consume 3500 calories. That means, in order to gain one pound in a week, you have to consume 500 extra calories every day. These are few important eating habits you need to follow in order to obtain high calories and gain those additional pounds.

Eat frequently
Make time for 3 large meals and 2-3 heavy snacks every day. Eat plenty of high calorie healthy snacks throughout the day.
Eat larger food portions
Eat larger than normal portions at meals. Increasing the amount of food that you eat at one time will supply the calories needed to gain muscle weight.
Eat higher calorie foods
Choose dried fruit, starchy vegetables, dense whole grain breads and cereals, hearty bean soups, nuts.
The following are some examples of high calorie snacks:

  • A soft pretzel with cream cheese or peanut butter
  • Milkshakes made with whole milk and ice cream plus powdered milk
  • Dried fruit
  • Bean and cheese burritos
  • Bagel and cream cheese or peanut butter
  • Baked potatoes with sour cream, cheese, or chili
  • Granola and yogurt
  • Muffins
Add lots of “extras” to food
Don’t eat anything plain.
Add healthy unsaturated fats:
Olive and canola oil, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, avocados.
Add healthy carbs and protein:
honey, jam, dried fruit, wheat germ, nonfat dried milk powder, soy protein powder.
Drink plenty of fluids that supply calories like juice, milk, milkshakes, and sports beverages
For example, drinking 1½ quarts of grape or cranberry juice supplies 1000 calories. 1½ quarts of 2% milk supplies 720 calories.
Perform resistance exercises
Weight training helps to convert the extra calories into muscle rather than flab. Aim for 2-3 times per week.